แบบฝึกหัดเรื่อง clause และ sentence

Say which of the following sentences is Noun Clause, Adjective Clause or Adverb Clause.
1. I have given him what he needs.

2. We heard that she had committed suicide.

3. This is the same story that I heard a few days ago.

4. He was born after the Second World War had ended.

5. As soon as the clock strikes three, I shall leave the office.

6. We found the tiger lying dead in the very place where it had been shot.

7. He is an excellent teacher except that he speaks too fast.

8. It was very unfortunate that you were taken ill.

9. I have no money that I can lend you.

10. My grandmother had died before the doctor arrived.

Pick out every Adverb Clause in the following sentences, and say to which kind it belongs.
11. I agree to this provided you sign your name.

12. John has been living in Thailand since he was ten years old.

13. He treated her as if she were his slave.

14. I knew him well while I was in America.

15. We couldn’t come as it rained hard yesterday.

16. We couldn’t come as it rained hard yesterday.

17. As he was a fool, he refused to listen to me.

18. Siri was punished due to the fact that he disobeyed the law.

19. He took medicine for the purpose he might recover.

20. I will get there, even if I have walk all day.


1. what he needs เป็น noun clause ทำหน้าที่เป็น object ของกริยา given

2. that she had committed suicide เป็น noun clause ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ heard

3. that I heard a few days ago เป็น adjective clause มาขยาย story

4. after the Second World War had ended เป็น adverb clause มาขยาย born

5. as soon as the clock strikes three เป็น adverb clause มาขยายกริยา leave

6. where it had been shot เป็น adjective clause มาขยาย place

7. except that he speaks too fast เป็น noun clause ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ except

8. that you were taken ill เป็น noun clause ทำหน้าที่เป็น Complement ของ Unfortunate

9. that I can lend you เป็น adjective clause มาขยาย money

10. before the doctor arrived เป็น Adverb clause มาขยายกริยา died

11. provided you sign you name เป็น adverb clause บอกเงื่อนไข

12. since he was ten years old เป็น adverb clause บอกเวลา

13. as if she were his slave เป็น adverb clause บอกกริยาอาการ

14. where he was born เป็น adverb clause บอกสถานที่

15. while I was in America เป็น Adverb clause บอกเวลา

16. as it rained hard yesterday เป็น adverb clause บอกเหตุผล

17. as he was a fool เป็น adverb clause บอกเหตุผล

18. due to the fact that he disobeyed the law เป็น adverb clause บอกเหตุผล

19. for the purpose that he might recover เป็น adverb clause บอกความมุ่งหมาย

20. even If I have to walk all day เป็น adverb clause บอกความขัดแย้ง
